Wheeling Area Chamber Economic Drivers Brunch & Annual Golf Scramble
Mark Your Calendars- The Wheeling Area Chamber of Commerce's Economic Drivers Brunch & Annual Golf Scramble is Thursday, September 12, 2024!
Registration is now open! Limited foursomes remain available... contact Mike Howard at Mhoward@wheelingchamber.com or call 304-233-2575 to register your team today!
This year, we will be having a brunch for golfers and non-golfers alike before the scramble begins!
Many sponsorship are still available for this event- Contact Mike Howard at MHoward@WheelingChamber.com to make sure your company is represented at this event!

Date and Time
Thursday Sep 12, 2024
12:00 PM - 6:30 PM EDT
Thursday, September 12, 2024
Brunch Buffet and Networking will begin at 11 AM
Golfer registration is set to begin at 12 PM
1:00 PM - Shotgun Start
Wheeling Country Club
906 Oglebay Drive
Wheeling, WV 26003
Economic Drivers Brunch tickets are $25 per person, or $79 for 4 tickets!
Registered golfers, the Economic Drivers Brunch is included with your foursome fee.
Brunch ticket includes breakfast buffet, cash mimosa bar, networking opportunities, and the chance to hear from Mayor Denny Magruder!
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